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We love our long coats too.

Sir ‘Duke’ Daniels on his way home to his very own people. .

Sam d’Angelo is an obedience star

Best ‘sit and stay’ and ‘best recall’ in his first graduation. Sam is a son of Conner vom Bauhofer-Land and Sonja von Jabora. He is on the road to higher education.


John and Equis

Happiness is a shepherd puppy. Equis is another beautiful son of Duda Armandia Lidderdali and Jerro vom Nordsee Sturm.
Rivergreen shepherds is thrilled to have puppies in happy families.


First trip away from Rivergreen

Yoko Ono joins Huron (Jerro vom Nordsee Sturm) and Brendan in Athabaska Falls.
She was a good traveller and enjoyed her few nights in the Banff Springs Hotel
on the way north.

First day of school.

Ranger stays home with the adult parents. He will go to work with Scott. Ranger aka ‘Chubb’ is a Conner vom Bauhofer-Land and Cleo vom Rivergreen son.


Rivergreen lap dogs/couch potatoes with Lynn.

A balanced German Shepherd can do it all. Best friend, best trick dog, best protector. Lynn has done an amazing training job.
(Two pictures – jake and jerro kane and 104)

Congratulations to Con Lane

Dog/trainer connections work wonders. Con will do all things for his best friend. Congratulations to Con Lane!



Copyright © 2002 Rivergreen Shepherds
Web Design by Doc PC Web Creations